As the first week of the 2011-2012 school year came to an end, students were surprised to see school closed on September 9.
The day off was prompted by the continuous downpour that lead to widespread flooding all over northern Virginia, particularly in Fairfax County. The rate of rainfall at 2-4 inches per hour led to road closures and interrupted transportation, especially because the torrential rains continued to fall at a steady rate.
The FCPS web page made the announcement last night that all schools in the county would be closed, resulting in varied student reactions.
“It was a surprise. I didn’t know the rain and flooding was that bad, but it was nice to have a day off,” senior Diego Cornejo said.
Other students shared the same sentiment.
“At first I thought they shouldn’t have to waste a snow day on the first week of school, but then I realized I’m a senior, so they could tack on as many days at the end of the school year as they need to,” senior James Bui said.
After the unexpected earthquake last month and Hurricane Irene just weeks ago, many are wondering if there will be any other weather related problems that will interrupt school. Nonetheless, it will take quite a few days for the flooding to subside and for wet areas to dry as students begin their second week back at AHS.