Dear Natalie,
Recently I have had feelings for my best friend. That would not be a problem if it were not for that she is a girl. I have never had feelings for another girl before.
I cannot be gay. I grew up in a very conservative family who harps on religion, and the appearance of our family.
Maybe I am feeling this way because I have been so sheltered and want to rebel. I have no idea what I should do, and I clearly cannot go to my parents for advice. I have tried to stifle my feelings, but I cannot do so any longer. I also do not want to ruin my relationship with my best friend.
Dear Unsure,
First of all you should not feel embarrassed at all about your feelings, which is natural if you are.
Many people go through what you are going through everyday, but they stifle their feelings and try to ignore who they truly are. The fact that you have admitted it to yourself is a huge step.
You could be going through a stage of rebellion, but if you have been feeling this way for a while, your feelings are most likely more than just a phase. With that said, unfortunately it is going to be hard for you, your family and your friends to adjust to this new lifestyle.
I suggest that you turn to either someone you can trust, or try calling a GLBT hotline: try the GLBT Youth Hotline at 1-800-246-PRIDE.
Breaking the news to your family will be tough, but you are their daughter, and they should support you and love you no matter what. As for your best friend, it is up to you whether or not you want to tell her how you feel.
Have a problem? E-mail Natalie at
Dustin • Feb 10, 2011 at 1:45 pm
I think that she’s saying that if that is how she feels, she shouldn’t try to ignore it and that the actual realization has to come from within herself.
Christine • Feb 10, 2011 at 1:40 pm
I’m confused…are you assuming this girl is for sure gay? She said she was unsure