There has been a total of five Collaboration Days this year with the first four being on Wednesdays and this most recent one occurring on a Monday.
“I prefer Collaboration Days to be on Mondays because it starts the week off with a bang,” sophomore Nolan Gilbert said.
However, not everyone agrees and some think that Collaboration Days should always be on Wednesdays.
“I would prefer it to be on Wednesdays because it’ s in the middle of the week and you need that little extra sleep even more then,” Uglietta said.
Regardless of what day it’s on, some freshmen don’t appreciate the lessons and feel that Collaboration is a waste of time.
“I dislike Collaboration Day because it’ s boring and I’ve already been taught the things numerous times,” freshman Melanie Bennett said.
While the freshman class is with their counselors, the rest of the school has the opportunity to sleep in an extra hour, which is usually considered a huge blessing by the typical high school student.
“I really like collaboration just because I get to sleep in,” sophomore Tina Uglietta said.
Annandale students feel that Collaboration has much room for improvement and have many ideas fix some of the problems they have issues with.
“I don’t think they should make everyone sit in the gm because every other day of the week they allow everyone to roam the halls,” Uglietta said.