In the past, meals from these sorts of organizations consisted of simple things like oatmeal, corn stew, and rice mixed with milk. But in recent news, a simple food like peanut butter is the new staple of organizations all over the world.
“I’m not surprised, I’m glad they are doing this [change to peanut butter]” sophomore Megan Ryan said.
Its high fat content and high protein levels makes this sweet treat a great food choice when helping starving familes all over the world. This discovery started in 1999 when scientists Dr. Mark Manary and Dr. Andre Briend with the World Health Organization teamed up and created a mixture consisting of powdered milk, vegetable oil, sugar, and peanut butter which together created a ready-to-use food. This simple mixture is solving some of the most severe cases of malnutrition all over the world, and is helping decrease the numbers of starving babies and young children globally.
“When a child’s body becomes swollen or quite thin from malnutrition, it’s essential to get treatment quickly” Manary said.
Not only has this new development helped starving families, it has increased economic intake in each individual country. Manary and Briend both agreed that each “Peanut Butter Clinic” (mention what one of these is earlier in the article) would be based in each country. They also planned to purchase the ingredients from local peanut and soy farmers which have also helped the economy of these countries.
As of now these 21 peanut butter clinics are only based in Malawi, but soon this corporation will expand greatly starting with Sierra Leone, and so on from there.
For more information about the “Peanut Butter Project” and how you can help visit or
Andrea Melendez • Oct 27, 2011 at 10:05 am
Great article!!!!