Do you use the teacher workdays/student holidays to catch up on work or relax?
For me, I use them to catch up on grading, planning for future units, and depending on which specific workday it is we might even have meetings with other teachers in our department to discuss these things. So I think I use the time pretty wisely.
Do you think the current number of teacher workdays/student holidays is enough?
Teachers always spend time outside of contract hours working, so with or without the teacher workday I would still be doing the same thing. That being said, we have a lot of workdays which means a longer school year. I would rather have less workdays to end the year earlier.
What do you think your students are doing on teacher workdays/student holidays?
I’m sure my students are using it as a long weekend which is fine since I do think they need rest. But I also think they should take advantage of this extra time and spend it catching up on their work. They can spend just 20 minutes working on an assignment .
Do you think teacher workdays/student holidays could be beneficial?
Yes, with the caveat that we need a shorter school year. I’d say it’s a balance at the end of the day, since teachers sometimes spend the days training or in meetings, but they can also treat it as a technical day off and go to appointments or even relax.
Do you use the teacher workdays/student holidays to catch up on work or relax?
I definitely do not use the teacher workdays to catch up on work, unless I have a really big project that I’m late on but usually I would just sleep in and relax, and to maybe watch a movie. It’s basically a de-stressing day.
Do you think the current number of teacher workdays/student holidays is enough?
The amount we have is good, just not the way they are distributed in the calendar. Honestly, I think I would rather have less single days and more like a longer period of breaks like winter break or spring break so that people can go on vacations and stuff like that for longer especially if they’re travelling or visiting family.
What do you think your teachers are doing on teacher workdays/student holidays?
I’d hope that they are catching up on their work and grading our assignments, and be making lessons for the upcoming weeks and stuff. I hope they’re keeping their students in mind even though some aren’t respectful and turn in work late.
Do you think teacher workdays/student holidays could be beneficial?
Overall for the students I think they can be but they tend not to take advantage of that when they could. For teachers though I think its definitely very beneficial since they could use it for work, but I don’t really know if they take advantage of it or not.