Q & A with an avid hunter
Staff writer Yvonne White spoke with junior Diego Loving, a passionate hunter, about what he does and why he does it.
What is your favorite aspect of hunting?
I like the waiting and the suspense before an animal approaches. The suspense building brings up my adrenaline. It is a really great feeling. When I hunt the suspense really keeps me going.
Why did you start hunting? How long have you been hunting?
I started about a year ago and after that I just kept going. It’s really something that I enjoy.
Where do you usually go?
My family friend has a hunting ground that I usually go to. It is really great to get together for a great experience.
What was the process like for you to obtain your gun?
I did not actually obtain a gun myself. I use my dad’s guns which he has a permit for. This allows me to use the gun.
Why did you start hunting?
I always like to shoot, so when I was introduced to hunting I just fell in love with it. After that first time I really get hooked to that adrenaline rush, and that makes hunting a lot more fun. Now I like to do it a lot.
Are there any misconceptions you receive from others who are not familiar with the activity?
Not really, I have never really faced a lot of preJudice from my peers. I have been surrounded by pretty accepting people.
What are your opinions on gun safety and restriction?
If the background check is clear, a person should be able to own firearms as long as they know proper gun safety. Safety is really important to this process, and it is unfair that people without any training hurt the name of those that do use guns safely. That is why background checks are so important.
Senior Yvonne White has been on staff for three years as a Copy Editor. She is involved in numerous clubs and sports. Yvonne enjoys spending time with...