AHS attitudes on race and stereotypes

A recent A-Blast survey paints a picture of a student body that does not feel discriminated against, but that recognizes some racism in society. Only 7% of AHS says they are always discriminated against with 69% saying they never are discriminated against. A diverse student body living in a diverse community seems to benefit from some understanding and open-mindedness.
The student body recognizes that stereotypes are not an accurate portrayal of ethnicities, with 72% of the student body saying that stereotypes are not accurate portrayal of the races and ethnicities they describe.
However, AHS still sees the racism in society. The student body was split on whether racism is prevalent in society, with not prevalent, somewhat prevalent and very prevalent at 36%, 31% and 33% respectively. AHS thinks that African-Americans are discriminated against the most at 43% and Hispanics second at 31%.
Interestingly, a majority of the student body thinks that a non-racist society is not possible at 60% holding this sentiment. By an even larger majority the student body does not believe we are close to a non-racist society at 73% agreeing with this.
This survey was distributed during W4 on Feb. 4. 270 surveys were collected and counted.

Andrew Peters has been part of the A-Blast since freshman year. This year, as a sophomore, Andrew is the In-Depth Editor. Andrew enjoys reading fiction...