Players in the GMO debate

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Monsanto is a biotech company. They create, patent, and sell various pesticides and GMO seeds. Monsanto claims its goals are to focus “on empowering farmers—large and small—to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water and energy… We also produce leading in-the-seed trait technologies for farmers, which are aimed at protecting their yield, supporting their on-farm efficiency and reducing their on-farm costs.”
Organic Consumers Association
Organic Consumers Association is a non profit advocacy group. They advocate in part on the behalf of organic farmers and consumers. They call themselves a “public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability.”
The Non-Gmo Project
The non-Gmo Project is also a non profit organization. They state their goals as establishing Non-Gmo food sources, informing the public, and examining products to validate their Non-Gmo claims. They have a “Non-Gmo Project Verified” label.

Andrew Peters has been part of the A-Blast since freshman year. This year, as a sophomore, Andrew is the In-Depth Editor. Andrew enjoys reading fiction...