Although w-4 lessons are the same for each grade level, the class seems to run very differently from class to class. Its purpose is to create a community where students can work on life skills like communication, regulating emotions, and meeting new people.
The slideshows that are meant to be presented every class include lessons that are adapted from the SEL Wayfinder curriculum and whatever information needs to be passed onto students, such as announcements and upcoming events.
“W4 is the most efficient way for information to be distributed widely to all students, assuming that information is being presented,” Director of Student Services, Eric Healey said.
Firstly, w-4 is relied upon to pass on way too much information in one 25-minute sitting
and secondly, half the time the lessons aren’t being presented by teachers in the intended way or even at all.
For many w-4 classes, students are unengaged, stuck in a quiet classroom with a random teacher and watching the clock until it hits 10:20 am whether it be on the wall or on their phones.
When there are so many groups of students who seem like they could be using their time better elsewhere, this block begins to seem unnecessary.
“I think ‘real life’ social and emotional skills are incredibly valuable and needed, especially in our world today…” Health & Physical Education Teacher, Morgan Neild said. “Students, especially those affected by COVID, aren’t naturally born with the ability to communicate/work with others, manage emotions, etc. it must be explicitly taught and practiced,”.
The skills that the w-4 lessons aim to instill in students are important in preparing them for the future but looking at the big picture, trying to fit Information about SEL lessons, announcements, community-building activities, and time to actually create relationships is a stretch within 25-minutes. It makes sense why students are no longer allowed to use the restroom during w-4 anymore.
Part of what makes w-4 feel like a waste is how short it is. This may also be why so many teachers just glaze over the information in the presentations.
“While some of the activities may seem corny, the goal is to push teachers & students out of their comfort zone and spark discussion among the class. So if students participate, I do think they will benefit from the lessons by meeting others in their class and ultimately learning ways to be successful not only in school but in real life,” Neild said.
Specifically for older students who have been through their fair share of w-4 adjacent lessons and upperclassmen dealing with a heavy workload, mandatory, full w-4 lessons become a nuisance.
While I completely agree that some w-4 classes have built communities over the years and are more closely knit than regular classes, I feel as though those classes are the way they are mainly because of the teachers themselves, not because of the content in the lessons.
The idea behind w-4 can only be properly executed if teachers are actively presenting the lessons, if the lessons include the right information, and if there’s enough time to accomplish the purpose of the lessons. If that’s not happening, it might be more useful to just have the block be a study hall or extend PRIDE time to take up the entire period.