Five Myths: explaining the COVID-19 vaccines
Although this article is listed under the Editorials page, the scientific facts used can be confirmed by the Center for Disease Control. The end of the pandemic is in sight, however Covid-19 will never truly leave unless more people get fully vaccinated, especially given the rise of variants. Getting vaccinated is the only way we can eventually end the Covid-19 pandemic that started nearly two years ago.
Myth 1: “The vaccines contain dangerous and unethical materials”
The vaccines do not contain any dangerous or unethical materials. Some say that the vaccines are full of heavy metals and can “magnetize” you.
Others have said the vaccines are produced and developed from morally compromised cell lines created from two aborted fetuses. In reality, the vaccines are not made of heavy metals and the vaccines do not use materials from aborted fetuses.
The Johnson & Johnson and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines are prepared in cell lines that did come from two fetuses aborted in the 1970s and the 1980s, however there are no fetal remnants in the vaccines and none were used in their production.
Myth 2: “The government is injecting microchips into people with each shot”
Nope. This myth is as hilariously fake as it sounds. The vaccines only contain the doses. It is common sense that it would be impossible to fit a microchip not only in the barrel of the syringe but through the needle itself.
Microchips are used on the packaging of vaccines, to help manage the distribution system and track doses. However, those are not within the vaccine itself and are certainly not being inserted into people.
Myth 3: “It doesn’t matter if I get the shot”
It does matter. Getting fully vaccinated helps prevent children and adults from becoming seriously ill if they do catch Covid-19, and also helps prevent significant short and long term complications.
While Covid-19 typically tends to be milder in younger people, the case truly depends on the person, so the safest option is just getting the shot. Also, being vaccinated helps others who cannot get vaccinated due to their specific health reasons.
Myth 4: “Covid-19 is going away, I don’t need a shot”
It is quite the opposite. People getting vaccinated is what is making Covid-19 less deadly. There is the argument that it is your own choice whether or not you get vaccinated.
Indeed, you do have a choice: whether to help or not to help. Keep in mind that the benefits of the vaccine are not solely for yourself, it is mostly for the greater good, the good of the country. Getting vaccinated helps protect others with health issues or conditions that make them vulnerable. Doing stuff you don’t want to do is part of helping the common good.
Myth 5: “The vaccines are unsafe”
This is probably the most repeated myth I have heard. There are different variations of this myth to varying degrees of ridiculousness. I’ve heard some say that the vaccine gives you Covid-19 and heard others say that the vaccines turn people into zombies, like in I Am Legend. (That is not even how the movie works, by the way).
Of course, none of the Covid-19 vaccines can give you Covid-19. While it is true that some people have reported side effects from taking the shot, they have gone away within a few days.
Many people have reported no side effects. Reports of allergic reactions and myocarditis are rare. Overall, the benefits of getting vaccinated far outweigh the known and potential risks.
The bottom line is that everyone should take the Covid-19 vaccine, no matter who makes it. The vaccines are free and easy to access, and there are no justifiable excuses for not getting both doses if you are able to and telling others to do the same. It is up to you to help end this pandemic.

Senior Shane Gomez is the Co-Editor in Chief of the A-Blast. He was Editorials Editor as a sophomore and junior and a Staff Writer as a freshman. He...