School is way too stressful
Reports say high school students are more stressed than adults
The average high school teacher assigns 3.5 hours of homework per week. The typical high school student takes seven classes, so that means that they receive 24.5 hours of homework weekly.
This means that they don’t have much time to spend on extra curricular activities, or hanging out with friends of family because they are so preoccupied..
With such little time available to high school students, it’s no wonder why a majority deal with stress.
This stress is comparable to, and sometimes even worse than what an adult experiences.
In moderation, stress can be very healthy for teens. Good stress encourages competition. This makes students work harder and leads to better results in school, sports, and other things.
Dealing with stress as a teen makes it easier to manage stress as an adult.
But the problem with school nowadays is that it is promoting stress at extremely high rates.
Students have to deal with jam packed school lessons, intense amounts of homework, and assessments on the daily.
“I have at least 4 quizzes or tests a week,” sophomore Zak Belkhayat said. “Sometimes, teachers don’t tell you until that week. And other times, I have more than one a day.”
Extra curricular activities such as sports, clubs, and jobs only add to increasing stress levels.
Add these two to pressure to please parents and outdo peers, and you can see why students are so stressed.
“I feel like parents unknowingly make the pressure that comes with school worse,” sophomore Nia Lewis said.
According to a report published in Frontiers in Psychology, 49% of high school students report that they have a great deal of stress daily because of school. 31% percent said that they felt somewhat stressed.
A study at NYU found that students deal with chronic stress at higher rates than adults.
When people deal with too much stress as teenagers, it can have lasting effects.
In terms of mental health, it can lead to anxiety disorders and depression.
High levels of stress can also lead to a teenager developing eating disorders.
Stress can also effect physical health. Stress hormones wreak havoc on the immune system and can cause heart disorders.
Many people try to reduce stress levels with unfavorable methods.
“I’ve seen a lot of people who try to get answers from other people so that they can limit the amount of time that they have to spend doing work,” junior Arafat Aliya said.
Considering this, it’s easy to conclude that the harmful amounts of stress that school causes has made school about passing, not learning.
It would be much healthier for students if teachers were to give out less homework.
An alternate solution could be placing less of an emphasis on assessments. Either way, there needs to be a change, and fast.

Senior Suad Mohamed is currently the Co-Editor in Chief and this is her fourth year on staff. Last year, she was the In-Depth Editor. Besides The A-Blast,...
syrah • Mar 3, 2021 at 9:26 pm
school is so stressful. i’m in 7th grade taking 4 high school classes and two advanced. if i’m lucky i’ll get done with work at 7pm but most of the time i’m up until 10-11pm studying for tests, doing projects, homework, etc. i feel like i don’t have enough free time and then end up staying up until around 3-4am doing the things i actually like, and then i’m really tired the next day. i get that that’s my fault though, i want more free time though so that i can actually feel like i’m having an enjoyable day and not just those 4-5 hours at night. it seems like none of my friends go through this either which makes it worse for me.
M • Jan 5, 2021 at 2:46 am
I’m so stressed too and I’m only in grade 9. I have so much to do all the time and parents on my ass about it :( I feel like killing myself often because of the stress I face each day. I don’t have time for hobbies during the week at all and I’m too tired to bother or care anymore. It’s like the education system just doesn’t care abt students
Jake Sienel • Dec 8, 2020 at 4:12 pm
I can’t do this any longer. The stress and anxiety I experience on the daily is really ruining my personality, just ask anyone I know. My brother, who is a junior, get little to no homework in a week while I am a freshman with at least 4 hours a night. I have to deal with no free time and other things outside of school like right now for example I found out 3 days ago that my grandpa has cancer. My mind always has too much on it where I can’t even remember to do chores or other daily habits I have. I feel like I’m in a hole of homework that I can’t get out of. Send Help. Jk but this is too much for my 14 y/o mind and body to handle.
Ben Dover • Dec 8, 2020 at 10:54 am
As a senior in high school, i definitely feel under a lot of pressure from both my school and my parents. I can’t seem to complete all my work by the deadline and get good test grades at the same time. I don’t even have a job or any extracurricular activities, so what am I suppossed to do about all my stress? All this begs the question, how exactly are we going to get the system to change?
Amara Jumento • Jan 15, 2020 at 7:31 pm
I’m a sophomore in high school and I play two sports throughout the year. Honestly, I’ve never been so occupied with working on homework in my whole school career until now. I can say that i have written about seven-teen essays in the course of a semester, on top of four-hour practices after school, about every day. My weekends are now filled with work that I have to get done by Monday! Due dates are so much closer to the day that the teachers actually assign it. I’m stressed!
Siomara Jones • Nov 17, 2019 at 6:59 pm
I agree with everything. I am so extremely stressed right now because of school. I am in my senior year, usually that year should be less stressful because you already know the things you’re going to do before you get into college. For me it’s the exact opposite, I’m taking 6 college classes that are extremely stressful, then I have to worry about getting into college worrying about my SAT scores keeping up with my grades and other things outside. School for me when I was younger was amazing, but now it’s a hindrance I dred going to school , I hate it , I cry on the daily because of the work I have to do now and then later. I find myself extremely low on inspiration and motivation, I find myself not caring anymore about my grades and it’s scaring me.
Ben valera • Sep 30, 2019 at 8:02 am
Honeatly ther is good stress and bad stress and i feel bad.i feel i like i fell in a hole of school work and home qork i wosh they give me less homework.they also put my in classes i dont want.I guess its not my choice.
Esteffany P (Junior) • May 24, 2019 at 12:38 am
Its come to the point where I have so much homework, classwork, and studying to do throughout the week i’ve began prioritizing everything and everything at a certain point gets left behind. Saturday truly feels like it is the only day where I can relax but then things happen and Its exhausting.