Technology is going too far

It’s hard to believe that just 10 years ago, we never had iPhones.
In such a short amount of time, technology has definitely evolved. We are able to do things that many generations of the past couldn’t even fathom.
But as boundaries are beginning to be pushed and lines are being crossed, we need to take a step back and see if there are instances where we may be going a little too far.
For example, a Wisconsin company is offering its employees the opportunity to have radio-frequency chips inserted in them. According to NPR, this new form of identification will make it easier for employees to make purchases, log in to computers and even open doors.
Although it may seem cool to have the power to do all that with just a finger, a lot of things remain in question.
How can the employees be sure that they aren’t going to be tracked or if it is truly safe to have something like that be in their body.
“I personally believe I wouldn’t want to be chipped because it would invade my privacy. It doesn’t seem like something that is necessary to do,” senior Katheryn Hout said.
Hacking is an issue that will always remain a problem and the notion that a stranger may know your whereabouts is truly frightening.
It feels like something that was pulled straight out of a dystopian novel.
“In certain cases, it becomes intrusive and people are no longer interacting. Kind of like a fake reality,” said senior Marina Chen. “People begin to misuse it and hide behind it. Instead of helping it hurts.”
There are definitely ways that technology has impacted our lives for the better.
Medicine, education and the ability to interconnect with one another are something that wouldn’t be able to evolve without technology.
However, it is important to point out that technology has also been destructive.
It has armed us with weapons that have the ability to destroy greatly, it has made us lazy and it continues to harm our planet.
Technology is slowly taking over the world.
We are so accustomed to it that it almost becomes difficult to do anything without our phones or our laptop with us.
It is almost as if we are misusing technology.
Rather than speaking and communicating with each other, we are texting and looking things up.
Conversations are beginning to revolve around memes.
Technology has its advantages but we need to start to view it as a luxury rather than a necessity.