No you shouldn’t snitch on your group

I personally love working in a group. I think it’s a great way for all the students to come together and say their opinions and even correct mistakes that you may have not caught. By working in a group you get a variety of options along with expanding your thoughts. Just like everyone, I have been put in a group where there was at least one member who made no contribution.

They were the slacker and though they did nothing, they still received the same grade as the students who put in all the work. But the truth is, that’s life. Out of the high school realm, in the real world and with a job you will have to work with people who don’t care about the work and instead of ratting them out to your boss, you will have to go on with it. You won’t be able to go to your boss and complain about all your coworkers.

It’s a problem in the world, with most of the people and you are just going to have to live with it. The whole point of group projects is so students learn about working with different people – whether they don’t contribute any work or contribute all the work. The whole idea of working in a group is that you have to be able to work with all the different types of people. This is the only way you will learn the whole point of working with people.
Another thing to remember is that if the person in the group is really bad and lacks any motivation to do any work then you need to learn to confront them and tell them to contribute some time and effort. You should talk with your whole group and divide up all the work evenly and assign a specific job to each person.
You need to learn to tell the person what’s going on, before going and telling the teacher. Students should learn to take action and initiate it themselves. In this process the student would become more independent, learn resposinsibilty and get their portion of the work done.