MTV is a channel that was once a full-time music video channel. But, now, what happened? It’s full of reality television shows that melt your brain and provide nothing but terrible influences on teens.
When MTV was just for music videos and shows, their channel was the “it” channel for music. Everything that was played on MTV was considered cool and in fashion. Artists like Rod Stewart, REO Speedwagon, The Cars and Phil Collins were some of the first musicians that were premiered on MTV. But, over the years, things have seriously taken a turn for the worse. Reality television shows like Jersey Shore and Teen Mom started to rise to fame. Even though the writers and fans of the shows might disagree, all it has done is brainwash teenagers.
The show Jersey Shore is about a group of people in their 20’s living on the Jersey Shore and going out every night to party and drink. That image has been projected throughout the nation and it’s all teenagers think about. That image of alcohol and partying is contradicting what teachers are trying to get across to them in school. And whether the characters know it or not, they play a major role in influencing kids. With shows like that, it’s no wonder that teenagers are big into parties and drinking. All they think about is what Snooki or or Mike “The Situation” would do.
Another awful influence for teenagers is the show Teen Mom. Teen Mom is about a group of girls that each had a child at the age of 16. The show portrays their entire life stories, from when they learned that they were pregnant to a couple years after the baby is born. The show not only gives the impression that it is okay for girls to get pregnant at age 16, but that it is also implies that maybe if you get pregnant, you can make a lot of money by becoming a star on the show.
Since there are so many different kinds of reality television, teenagers and even young adults have started to live vicariously through the lives that are portrayed on the TV. They are able to get their share of drama that isn’t present in their regular lives. They can also get the romance they may lack in their normal lives.
These shows also come in series, so teenagers spend a lot of time following their favorite character or just watching the show. And the more time they spend watching TV, the less time they spend socializing or doing homework. So it’s just not a bad influence, it can cause educational and social problems, too. What would take precedence in a 15-year-old girl’s mind: the hot new character on her favorite TV show, or that boring biology lab that is due the next day? Clearly, it will be the TV show.
MTV was fantastic when it played only music videos. But since it has brought more idiotic shows onto its channel, MTV has lost its integrity and it is a terrible influence for teenagers now and generations to come.