Nowadays, it seems like all childhood celebrities are in a downward spiral. Adding on to the list is Justin Bieber. Along with tattoos, club appearances, drug use and late performances, Bieber has so far been booed at two events.
His acceptance speech at the 2013 Billboard Awards shows that the he has let the sudden fame get to his head; in his acceptance speech 2012 Video Music Awards speech, Bieber thanked God; in his Billboard speech, he instead praised himself and said that “I should be taken seriously” for the music he is making.
Along with his self-centered attitude, Bieber’s song lyrics have become more sensual shifting his target audience from pre-teens to young adults.
While many parents used to praise his innocence for being a role model for the younger generation and for pre-teens hoping to make it big in the music industry. Although Bieber has in a way stayed in touch with his Christian beliefs through his “Jesus” tattoo in Hebrew on his ribs and a portrait on his calf, he still is straying from his beliefs and morals. While many want the old Beiber back, many are ready for him to leave.