Have you ever met someone online and thought he or she was your perfect match? Well, if so, you are not alone. Online dating has become very common in this day and age, with social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. However, online dating comes with its own consequences, due to the fact that anyone can post a picture on a social networking site and claim it is them.
The reality show Catfish exposes the frauds and flaws behind online dating while helping individuals come face to face with their online lovers. Catfish the television show stemmed from a documentary titled Catfish starring the shows host, Nev Schulman. The documentary captured Nev’s online romance with a girl named Megan whom he had never met before, but had befriended on Facebook. He began to have online chats with her and eventually fell in love with her, although he had never met her in person.
Nev began texting and speaking to Megan on the phone, but as his curiosity grew he began to doubt if Megan was actually who he thought she was. So he set out to travel across the country to where she had claimed to have lived, only to become flabbergasted that not only was she not the girl he thought she was, but a 40 year old wife and mother of two had been impersonating Megan, along with several other people.
Through this experience, Schulman and his brothers dedicated themselves to helping others in questionable online relationships. In each episode, Nev starts out by reading an email from an individual requesting his assistance.
In one of the episodes, a young attractive woman by the name of Sunny thought she had been speaking to the man of her dreams, RJ King, a proclaimed model. She expressed that she wanted to marry him, even though she had never actually had a single conversation with him. She met him through Facebook and only communicated with him through text message.
Some would find this to be quite odd, considering the fact that she only had about five to six photos of King in the span of their two year relationship. Sunny eventually met RJ King and was shocked to find that the man she thought she had been dating, was actually a woman. Not just a women but a girl.
Although most of us would have seen this coming, Sunny was left in dismay. The young teen then revealed that her troubled past with bullying prompted her to commit the fraud act. Unbelievebly, Nev actually sat the two girls down and had them speak to each other one on one.This helped Sunny better understand why the girl did what she did.
Needless to say, Catfish has become quite the hit,trending on Twitter the day of its debut. Since the show’s premiere, more and more individuals seem to be becoming as shocked as Nev.